Friday, January 17, 2014

What's Making Me Happy: January 17

Today is my birthday. I can't exactly say that's making me happy, because a) birthdays are never quite as fun for adults, what with the lack of pointy party hats and tiny treat bags; and b) I get existentially angsty every time that age-digit jumps up a notch. BUT. I am happy I was born, I quite like my life. So it's good to celebrate having been born.

My favorite band in 1993

Hey, Google gives you a little doodle for your birthday, who knew?

So, because it's officially Me Day, here are some random photos of wee me through the years:

With my daddy

Yes, everyone thought I was a boy unless I wore a dress

Hiking with my aunt, uncle, and brother

I was finally allowed to have hair past my ears
Hiking with Mom and big brother
Rockets in our backyard
Snow time
Pool time


  1. Happy Birthday, Sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

    I'm also glad you were born and, of course, to have you as a friend *hearts throughout* Thanks for sharing those beautiful photographs. BTW, I also had very short hair and people also thought I was a boy! (That's why I won't cut it now:)). My best wishes to you for a great day AND year!

  2. Happy, happy birthday!

    And hey! Who says you can't wear a pointy hat? Go for it! If this ol' gal could wear a silly paper tiara on New Year's Eve, you can certainly wear a pointy hat for your birthday. People don't stop playing because they get old; they get old because they stop playing.

    1. I would totally wear a pointy hat if someone gave me one — Suze game me a pretty diadem last year and I wore it with pride — but I guess my point is nobody does the fussing when you're an adult. My husband and kids didn't even remember my birthday! (Cue tiny violins.)

  3. Happy birthday, Steph! You are so awesome that it might be tough to be you!

  4. Happy birthday, Steph! You are so awesome that it might be tough to be you!

  5. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Why was I thinking your b-day was the 28th of January!!??!

    Ugh. I hesitate to avoid censoring my moronic-looking comment but I needed you to hear what I sounded like when I saw your post.

    Steph, I loooove these pictures of you so much! Thank you for posting them. I wish I was there to give you a treat bag. You know I don't think there's an age limit on those, gorgeous soul.

    Sending you love, faith, hope, good fortune, inner peace and a wish for at least ten novels that totally blow your socks off this year. :) :)

    1. Thank you, my dear, sweet, wonderful friend. Love you, girl.

  6. I hope your birthday was filled with Dionysian splendor.

    1. I wish! Dionysus had to wait a day, since we were road-trippin' on my actual birthday. Son had a soccer tournament a few hundred miles away and we arrived rather late, so we pretty much fell into our hotel beds. The next day some wine happened, though.


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